Keys to boost your happiness during this Lockdown
02 Apr 2020 23:56:00
Hard Times are the part and parcel of life. Sometimes it seems like a roller coaster ride of ups and downs but to keep the happiness intact an optimistic approach is indispensable. Life and situations can be harsh sometimes, we might feel demotivated and surrounded by negative conditions. But it is only our thought process that can make the things better or worse. Drive yourself away from negative thoughts, fear and anxiety which can malign your opinions. Strike hard the adverse time with your positive energy as it is transitory but being happy will last forever.
1. Start a day with a smile on your face and grateful feeling.
You should always try to start your day with a beautiful smile on your face and grateful feeling which will make you feel confident and happy all the time. You should always be happy with what you have in your life should pretend very confidently in front of other persons as if you are not less than the person standing in front of you. This phrase is very popular that you should be happy with what you have but how many of you follow them? “It is easier said than done.” But the fact is that this phrase is popular because it's true. So, you must follow this phrase in order to be happy and confident in life all the time. Research also said that by looking in the mirror and smiling every day, you might feel happier with yourself and more confidence.
2. Eliminate negativity and Be positive
To be confidential and happy in your life all the time, it is very important to eliminate negativity and spread positiveness in your surroundings. You should start spending time with those who makes you feel happy and generate positiveness in a surrounding rather than being with one who makes you feel bad about yourself. It's very necessary to take few minutes out from a day for yourself and think about all of those things that are bringing you down, it can be friends, family, negative environment or a bad situation. After realizing you must start maintaining a distance with the one who brings you down. Eventually, you should give more space to your positive thoughts then negative thoughts in your brain. You should try to surround yourself with the positive thoughts in order to be confidential and happy in your life all the time.
3. Maintain yourself as a nice and hygienic person.
A nice and hygienic person always remains confidential and happy in their life all the time. A rude person may not know that it's rude, and they may not know that it could hurt other feelings. But to remain happy and confidential it is very necessary to realize your rudeness and convert yourself into a nice person. And when it comes to hygiene, hygiene is the best friend of a person so you must take care of it. You should take a bath and clean your teeth on the daily basis, wear clean clothes, wear deodorant, comb your hair and kill those pimples. Being a nice and hygienic person will increase your confident and happiness
4. Stop thinking about other comments and thoughts.
Comments of other persons can really put you down and can easily decrease your confident and happiness in your life. You should try to avoid the comments of other persons and should start accepting the complement of other persons which will surely bring happiness and will also help in raising the confidence level. While walking on the road, if someone at the back of you started teasing you, stair for the sometimes ignore and move on your way with the small smile on your face which will help in building your confidence level as well as will make you happy. People are taken back due to lack in confidence and simultaneously their happiness reduces, girl who knows what she wants in life and isn't going to let anyone in her way. You should never pay attention toward other bad intentions or comments, but should always try to move on which will build the confidence and confidence is the way to be happy without needing someone.

5.Stay away from anger
When you start to maintain a distance from anger simultaneously you stay happy and confidence in your life. When you start losing your temper, it's only your loss. It makes you unhappy and confident less in many of the situation. People will never have time for you if you are always angry. In order to be confident and happy in life all the time, you must need to forget the word 'Anger.’
5. Control your mind with Meditation
One of the most important ways to be happy and confident in your life all the time is Meditation. Meditation is a mind control process that you utilize into your daily life. It is not only process of mental relaxation but also the best way to have positive thoughts, alter your belief system, raise your confidence, brings happiness and peace in your mind. It also teaches to have control on your mind, so you can be more confident. There are many reasons why meditation calms the minds, so you can see the reality as it's by your own opinion, when you are mentally calm, you are able to ignore the thoughts and opinions. Meditation helps you in visualizing in the positive way. Visualization is a very powerful exercise which imparts positive thoughts and images in your mind that helps in building the confidence level of everyone. The most important thing is that meditation provides you to practice positive self-talk which is a great way to implant bright ideas in your mind.
6. Start accepting the compliments
Many peoples have difference in accepting the compliment. They assume the wrong thought and they think that the person complimenting them is lying or teasing. You must always accept the compliment with the smile in your face and respond possibly. You must try your best to make the person feel happy when he/she is complimenting on you. You can use your compliment to your positive attributes about yourself. Compliments increase the energy to work and being more confidence and happiness. Complementing is also a way to know once talent and then use it to raise the confidence and happiness in life.